[Action] Renaming com.sun.grizzly.util back to org.apache.coyote and org.apache.tomcat.util

From: Jeanfrancois Arcand <Jeanfrancois.Arcand_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Tue, 26 Aug 2008 12:52:04 -0400


when we released Grizzly 1.5.x, we took classes from
org.apache.coyote/tomcat to com.sun.grizzly. So far it worked well but
it gives trouble when we:

+ want to port fixes from Tomcat directly (always have to find the
associated classes)
+ breaks backward compatibility with GlassFish when Apache mod_jk is
used, because mod_jk requires classes with org.apache.* .

So I would like to rename those classes back to their original package
so the process will be simpler. The issue I'm having is it MAY breaks
***a lot*** of applications that were using packages:


I don't have any better solution unfortunately. If someone has a better
idea, please let me know.


-- Jeanfrancois