Re: Flushing output in http server

From: Peter Speck <>
Date: Fri, 23 May 2008 18:11:20 +0200

On 23/05/2008, at 17:26, Jeanfrancois Arcand wrote:

> I see. A Grizzly based Proxy Server is something a lot of peoples
> are looking at. If one day you want (or your company want :-)) to
> OSS it, ping us as we will be really interested to have in under the
> Grizzly umbrella....(OK I'm acting like a marketing guy :-))

No problem, however it is not a fully fledged proxy with bells and
whistles. It's just a banner-killer. I'm using Safari on the mac and
it doesn't support Firefox Greasemonkey or any other such plugins, and
I just can't stand flashing ads.
The functionality is to block ~40 domains and to modify html (or
inject javascript) for a few sites to enhance the "user
experience" (e.g. youtube download link).
All code is mine (owned by me, never released, and I don't have any
employer restrictions), so there's no license problem, but everything
is very raw and there is no configuration files - everything is
hardcoded in java.

    - Peter Speck