Re: AW: Implementing a custom protocol with grizzly

From: John ROM <>
Date: Mon, 07 Jan 2008 15:54:41 +0100

now after a day looking into grizzly I think I have a better overview about what grizzly does.

In short words :
1) I want a grizzly client to send
   java serialized objects over only one or more connections (configurable) to a grizzly server.

2) If the connection breaks maybe because a firewall terminates the connection I want the client to reconnect.

3) the grizzly-client should not block on the connection

4) the grizzly server should able to send heartbeat-messages to the client.
5) the client should be able to fragment serialized objects so that other maybe smaller objects can be send in between.

6) the client can cancel the sending of any of its objects.

I have a feeling that a lot of functionality that I need would be there if Grizzly would fully implement CORBA IIOP.
(For example CORBA Fragmentation with its Request IDs, or Corba Cancel)
Anyway looking for one day at grizzly I happily found the following:

- Grizzly Connection Caching which would help resolving 1) and 2).
- Grizzly Protocol Parser which would help with 3)

Are there any other classes I should be looking at?

Many Greetings

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