I'm using the CometdAdapter as the Adapter class for grizzly standalone ARP.
In the CometContext class the blockingNotification can be set to true/false.
With blockingNotification set to true i can get my Test application up and running.
Grizzly sends back the correct HTTP header and the answer to my bayeux message in the POST section.
But with blockingNotification set to false it seems that Grizzly only sends back the HHTP header
and does not send a POST section at all.
Could someone give me a hint if this is a bug or if i'm doing something wrong here.
Another question: With blockingNotification set to true, the server blocks for a few seconds after the
notification (at least he seems to block). Using long-polling in my application i'm doing a reconnect after receiving some data.
If the server is in blocking mode, the reconnect request does not reach the server and my application hangs.
Any ideas how to avoid this situation without resending the reconnect request?
Thanks for your help
Marco Balzter
IT Development (IT/DEV)
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