the idea was to add the missing features to Deployer. or document how
thoses like : ejb, env-entry, resources-entry, welcome-page, errors-pages
... all theses thing.
so I think I'll just read the JEE5 specs for more details.
2010/2/23 Oleksiy Stashok <>
> Hi Sebastien,
> I'm looking to bring <env-entry> <resource...> from a web.xml into
> grizzly. I know that we don't have a jndi implementation, but I want to
> know how that works.
> I was looking around and I saw that Jetty have there implementation,
> Tomcat, GF... and there are few like SimpleJNDI, I found OpenEJB..
> there are look to have this similar :
> Properties properties = new Properties();
> properties.setProperty(Context.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY, "....InitialContextFactory");
> initialContext = new InitialContext(properties);
> and I found this :
> All thats required is to define this on the classpath
> -Djava.naming.factory.initial=....
> there an article on SUN
> #1 - my Question is this:
> Why I'm lost ? There is a way to have a default JNDI handler with no code
> involve ?
> You mean if there is a default JNDI implementation?
> I think not, remember when I needed some simple JNDI support - I took
> SimpleJNDI :)
> Suppose that I want to handle all jndi type from a web.xml, is it possible
> without implementing EJB, persistance... ?
> IMO not :) If you want to handle all types - you need to have them on
> classpath.
> But I think each container usually supports only known types, so IMO
> Grizzly shouldn't support EJB for example.
> ok.. #2 - is it possible to have a JNDI for datasource and one that handle
> EJB ?
> Theoretically you can use different JNDI implementations at the same time
> by passing different params to "new InitialContext(properties);"
> Can you pls. provide more details about your idea?
> Thanks.
> WBR,
> Alexey.
> --
> -------------
> A+
> Sébastien.
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