Re: Request life cycle documentation

From: ming qin <>
Date: Thu, 19 Nov 2009 08:00:29 -0800 (PST)

UML Interaction Diagrams for V2.

Jeanfrancois Arcand  provided  interaction diagrams for v1.5.0 as Creating a Controller,Request Handling and  Worker Thread Execution.

 Personally, I felt there were essential integration diagrams as essential part of documents of Grizzly 2.0

Ming Qin
Cell Phone 858-353-2839

--- On Thu, 11/19/09, Jeanfrancois Arcand <Jeanfrancois.Arcand_at_Sun.COM> wrote:

From: Jeanfrancois Arcand <Jeanfrancois.Arcand_at_Sun.COM>
Subject: Re: Request life cycle documentation
Date: Thursday, November 19, 2009, 2:37 AM


gustav trede wrote:
> 2009/11/16 Igor Minar < <>>
>     hi there,
>     Is there some comprehensive documentation of a request life cycle?
>     It often surprises me to find out that there is something going on
>     with a request that I didn't know about, so a doc capturing all the
>     processing phases and all classes that touch the request during it's
>     life would be awesome.
>     If not for grizzly v1, then v2 should definitely have that as a part
>     of the documentation. A diagram would be the best.
>     What do you think?
>     /i
> There is a general need of documentation, design docs with flow diagrams and text explaining reasoning behind design decisions,
> theres several parts of the code that raises questions when you look at it , having to ask the author(s) every time is its self a waste of resources and only works as long as hes still available, has the time and remembers correctly.
> It could at least be present in the code unless theres some external tool available.
> Meeting notes, decisions taken when and why is another missing but important doc.
> The answer i gotten to the above is that this situation exists due to lack of resources.
> I was earlier forbidden from commenting inside the code, but i do it anyhow now. its essential to have it somewhere.

Agree. Actually that information Igor is asking for is existing inside presentation, which sucks I know.

Like I said many times, v2 will not ship if we don't have a white paper and back to back javadoc.


-- Jeanfrancois

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