Scott Oaks wrote:
> Did a new grizzly rev get put into glassfish b73?
Last integration was last Thursday 11/17, then another one on 11/19.
> We're seeing an odd thing in build 73 where tasks get rejected by the
> SyncThreadPool because it is full. Actually, it's not that odd, because
> the size of that pool is only 1000 in our configuration, and we have
> 27200 connections, so the odds of there being 1000 tasks actually seems
> fairly big to me. There's an 8 second wait time between requests that
> average 3 seconds to execute, so we'd really expect to average 1133
> tasks in the queue.
> But we had the same configuration in build 72 and didn't see that error,
> which really makes me think maybe the grizzly build in glassfish 72 had
> an error in the task pool sizing. In v2, we would size the task pool to
> 310000, and we thought we were doing that in v3, but of course our
> configuration scripts are still buggy. But also we changed versions of
> the faban driver, and it is possible that is sending the load
> differently (and more in line with expectations).
Strange.....I don't see anything changed in this are for the last month.
-- Jeanfrancois
> -Scott
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