On Thu, Oct 8, 2009 at 11:48 AM, Jeanfrancois Arcand <
Jeanfrancois.Arcand_at_sun.com> wrote:
> Salut,
> Now I would like to vote on the following topic:
> 1. Should the Servlet Container works be only on top of 2.0? Or should we
> make sure both version are supported?
I use Grizzly for its exposure of low level APIs and general HTTP support.
Make life easier on yourself and go for just 2.0.
> 2. Should 1.9.19 be *our last* 1.9.x release with new features, and then we
> move to sustaining mode?
Yes, more focus on 2.0 the better.
> 3. Should we refactor *entirely* the http module API and make sure it is
> aligned with Grizzly 2.0 new design? I'm tempted to refactor everything but
> we will break a lot of applications
Absolutely. Why not?. If 1.9.x is in maintenance, bugs will be fixed, and
its pretty solid. A person could stay on 1.9.x indefinitely. HTTP is
just everywhere and growing. I use Grizzly primarily as an HTTP engine.
Break eggs, apply that francophone genius of yours to deliver the best HTTP
API and engine you can.
> 4. Gitub or Kenai? For sure we MUST move out of java.net
I use Git, and Github. Love it, can't say enough about. But take this vote
as primarily +10 for Git specifically as a great basis for collaborative
development in comparison to SVN for example.
> 5. Should we drop Cometd support? Cometd.org can be run using Grizzly Comet
> + Atmosphere
Not familiar with the how these have been modularized compounded by the fact
currently do not have a Comet use-case. In general, I like flexibility via
an exposed, well thought out, cleanly designed, comprehensive API without
all fluff. Not sure if this implies to the above.
> If you can reply publicly, please reply to jfarcand_at_apache.org with your
> request/recommendation.
> Please share your vision :-)
Skip 2.0, jump straight to 3.0 - Grizzly written in Scala. :) Hey you
The object of life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape
finding oneself in the ranks of the insane. - Marcus Aurelius