here a snippet of the Annotations for Servlet 2.5 and descriptions took from
Java™ Servlet Specification Version 2.5 MR6
Question. Do we parse classes for all theses annotations and populate the
web.xml from it theses (only if the web.xml doesn't already ready define
some segments) ?
package grizzly;
public class AnnotationParser {
* This annotation is used to define the security roles that comprise
* security model of the application. This annotation is specified on a
* class, and it typically would be used to define roles that could be
* tested (i.e., by calling isUserInRole) from within the methods of the
* annotated class. It could also be used to declare application roles
* are not implicitly declared as the result of their use in a
* @DeclaresRoles annotation on the class implementing the
* Servlet interface or a subclass thereof. Following is an example of
* this annotation would be used.
* @DeclaresRoles("BusinessAdmin") public class CalculatorServlet {
//... }
* Declaring @DeclaresRoles ("BusinessAdmin") is equivalent to defining
* following in the web.xml. <web-app> <security-role>
* <role-name>BusinessAdmin</role-name> </security-role> </web-app>
* JSR-250
public void parseDeclaresRoles() throws Exception {
* The @EJBs annotation allows more than one @EJB annotations to be
* on a single resource. An example:
* @EJBs({_at_EJB(Calculator), @EJB(ShoppingCart)}) public class
* ShoppingCartServlet { //... } The example above the EJB components
* ShoppingCart and Calculator are made available to
* The ShoppingCartServlet must still look up the references using JNDI
* the EJBs do not need to declared in the web.xml file.
* The @EJBs annotation is discussed in further detailed in section 15.5
* the EJB 3.0 specification (JSR220).
public void parseEJB() throws Exception {
* The @Resource annotation is used to declare a reference to a resource
* such as a data source, Java Messaging Service (JMS) destination, or
* environment entry. This annotation is equivalent to declaring a
* resource-ref, message-destinationref or env-ref, or resource-env-ref
* element in the deployment descriptor. The @Resource annotation is
* specified on a class, method or field. The container is responsible
* injecting references to resources declared by the
* @Resource annotation and mapping it to the proper JNDI resources. See
* Java EE Specification Chapter 5 for further details. An example of a
* @Resource annotation follows:
* @Resource private javax.sql.DataSource catalogDS; public
* getProductsByCategory() { // get a connection and execute the query
* Connection conn = catalogDS.getConnection(); .. }
* JSR-250
public void parseResource() throws Exception {
* The PersistenceContexts annotation allows more than one
* @PersistenceContext to be declared on a resource. The behavior the
* @PersistenceContext annotation is further detailed in section 8.4.1
* the Java Persistence document which is part of the EJB 3.0
* (JSR220) and in section 15.11 of the EJB 3.0 specification
* @PersistenceContext (type=EXTENDED) EntityManager em;
public void parsePersistenceContext() throws Exception {
* The @PersistenceUnit annotation provides Enterprise Java Beans
* declared in a servlet a reference to a entity manager factory. The
* manager factory is bound to a separate persistence.xml configuration
* as described in section 5.10 of the EJB 3.0 specification (JSR220).
* example:
* @PersistenceUnit EntityManagerFactory emf; The behavior the
* @PersistenceUnit annotation is further detailed in section 8.4.2 of
* Java Persistence document which is part of the EJB 3.0 specification
* (JSR220) and in section 15.10 of the EJB 3.0 specification.
public void parsePersistenceUnit() throws Exception {
* The @PostConstruct annotation is declared on a method that does not
* any arguments, and must not throw any checked expections. The return
* value must be void. The method MUST be called after the resources
* injections have been completed and before any lifecycle methods on
* component are called. An example:
* @PostConstruct public void postConstruct() { ... } The example above
* shows a method using the @PostConstruct annotation.
public void parsePostConstruct() throws Exception {
* The @PreDestroy annotation is declared on a method of a container
* component. The method is called prior to component being reomvoed by
* container. An example:
* @PreDestroy public void cleanup() { // clean up any open resources
... }
* The method annotated with @PreDestroy must return void and must not
* a checked exception. The method may be public, protected, package
* or private. The method must not be static however it may be final.
* JSR-250
public void parsePreDestroy() throws Exception {
* The @Resources annotation acts as a container for multiple @Resource
* annotations because the Java MetaData specification does not allow
* multiple annotations with the same name on the same annotation
target. An
* example:
* @Resources ({
* @Resource(name=”myDB” type=javax.sql.DataSource),
* @Resource(name=”myMQ” type=javax.jms.ConnectionFactory) }) public
* CalculatorServlet { //... } In the example above a JMS connection
* and a data source are made available to the CalculatorServlet by
means of
* an @Resources annotation. The semantics of the @Resources annotation
* further detailed in the Common Annotations for the JavaTM PlatformTM
* specifcation (JSR 250) section 2.4.
public void parseResources() throws Exception {
* The @RunAs annotation is equivalent to the run-as element in the
* deployment descriptor. The @RunAs annotation may only be defined in
* classes implementing the javax.servlet.Servlet interface or a
* thereof. An example:
* @RunAs(“Admin”) public class CalculatorServlet {
* @EJB private ShoppingCart myCart; public void
* req, HttpServletResponse res) { //.... myCart.getTotal(); //.... } }
* //.... } The @RunAs(“Admin”) statement would be equivalent to
* the following in the web.xml. <servlet>
* <servlet-name>CalculatorServlet</servlet-name> <run-as>Admin</run-as>
* </servlet> The example above shows how a servlet uses the @RunAs
* annotation to propagate the security identity “Admin” to an EJB
* when the myCart.getTotal() method is called. For further details on
* propagating identities see SRV.14.3.1. For further details on the
* annotation refer to the Common Annotations for the JavaTM PlatformTM
* specifcation (JSR 250) section 2.6
public void parseRunAs() throws Exception {
* The @WebServiceRef annotation provides a reference to a web service
in a
* web component in same way as a resource-ref element would in the
* deployment descriptor. An example:
* @WebServiceRef private MyService service; In this example a reference
* the web service “MyService” will be injected to the class declaring
* annotation. This annotation and behavior are further detailed in the
* JAX-WS Specification (JSR 224) section 7.
public void parseWebServiceRef() throws Exception {
* @param args
public static void main(String[] args) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub