I'll check if I can find sample.
2009/9/1 Jeanfrancois Arcand <Jeanfrancois.Arcand_at_sun.com>
> Salut,
> Hubert Iwaniuk wrote:
>> Yo!
>> I think only Welcome file support and Support for annotation processing
>> (deployer) is blocked by GWSD refactoring.
>> Though I have no idea what "Support for annotation processing (deployer)"
>> is, could you elaborate?
> The Servlet Spec allow some annotation to be added...we probably needs to
> process them when reading web.xml.
> A+
> -- Jeanfrancois
>> Cheers,
>> Hubert.
>> On Tue, Sep 1, 2009 at 6:22 PM, Jeanfrancois Arcand <
>> Jeanfrancois.Arcand_at_sun.com <mailto:Jeanfrancois.Arcand_at_sun.com>> wrote:
>> Salut,
>> wanted to gives an update on that project. Currently we are not
>> allowed to starts new project until things go back to normal
>> internally :-). We have discussed awhile ago about:
>> * http://grizzly-servlet-container.dev.java.net
>> It is not a big problem as we can keep the work in Grizzly like it
>> always was.
>> Currently we do have significant activities with the development of
>> this component, and I would like to make sure we share the same goal
>> and continue to actively develop the baby monster :-)
>> What's missing to pass the 2.5 TCKs are:
>> * Support for Request Dispatcher
>> * http://is.gd/2LrUz
>> * Support for Error Page
>> * http://is.gd/2Lsmw
>> * Support for Welcome File
>> * http://is.gd/2Ls12
>> * Support for Authentication
>> * http://is.gd/2LssT
>> * Support for annotation processing (deployer)
>> * http://is.gd/2LsK1
>> * Better Session support (quite basic right now, but works)
>> Hubert is working on refactoring the Deployer to allow WarAdapter
>> support, and Bongjae improved the Classloader implementation. We
>> also need to work on a high level API that allow pluggable deployer
>> (should be simple).
>> We should try to dispatch amongst us the workload (and see if
>> external users want to contribute as well). I would recommend we
>> continue developing those modules on 1.9.x, and port the work on
>> 2.0.0 M4 later.
>> What peoples think? Anybody interested to contribute please ping me
>> directly at jfarcand at apache dot org and I will gives you commit
>> access to that module.
>> Thanks!!!
>> -- Jeanfrancois
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