Re: glassfish grizzly config

From: Justin Lee <Justin.Lee_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Wed, 08 Jul 2009 13:54:01 -0400

I've filed this issue to track this:

Please add any comments/questions there.

Scott Oaks wrote:
> If I understand the glassfish Config one pager, to set the size of the
> buffer used by InternalOutputBuffer, I would set
> <network-config>
> <protocols>
> <protocol name="http-listener-1">
> <http ... send-buffer-size="31000"/>
> Similarly, maxHttpHeaderSize, keepAliveTimeoutInSeconds, and
> maxQueueSize don't seem to get set despite entries in the domain.xml.
> In fact, in the latest nightly, all those properties are removed when
> the domain.xml is re-written (presumably because they are invalid,
> though that didn't happen in previous builds I've tried).
> So out of the request-processing and connection-pool settings:
> max-thread-pool-size: works
> min-thread-pool-size: works
> header-buffer-length: not sure what this maps to in the selectorThread
> parameters
> max-queue-size: doesn't work
> max-connections-count: worked in build 51, but isn't working on the
> latest nightly
> request-body-buffer-size: doesn't work
> send-buffer-size: doesn't work (not sure what that maps to in the
> selectorThread output either, but it doesn't change the value passed
> to construct an InternalOutputBuffer).
> Is all this supposed to be working by now? I am using the 1.9.17
> snapshot on top of the v3 07/06 nightly. Maybe I'm just missing
> something fundamental here...
> -Scott
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