[PATCH] GrizzlyAdapterChain: handle wildcard and extension mappings

From: Andreas Kohn <>
Date: Thu, 09 Jul 2009 12:18:29 +0200


I was recently playing a bit with grizzly 2.0.0M3 to produce an embedded
application server that can handle deployments of arbitrary .war files,
including all servlets, mappings, filters etc.

I found that GrizzlyAdapterChain would not allow me to give wildcard or
extension mappings, although the underlying Mapper does support those.

Attached patch against grizzly-2dot0-branch fixes that.

On a related note: I have a few other patches, roughly groupable into:

* extraction of functionality into smaller methods to allow overriding
* addition of minor functionality or configurability
* moving of files into their proper packages.

What would be the best way to submit those when I'm done
splitting/cleaning them? Make tickets, or send them as mail?

Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by
stupidity.                                        -- Hanlon's Razor