Re: Purpose of com.sun.grizzly.util.Copyable is not clear ...

From: Oleksiy Stashok <Oleksiy.Stashok_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Mon, 29 Jun 2009 13:52:24 +0200

Hi Kedar,

> In general, I am not clear on the purpose of this Java interface
> which is used all over. In all the *usages* of implementations of
> this interface, the copyTo method just typecasts the given parameter
> to an expected type and it either results in ClassCastException or
> returns abruptly if the passed parameter is not of expected type.
> Thus, the caller *has to* pass the correct type. For example,
> TCPSelectorHandler.copyTo does:
> TCPSelectorHandler copyHandler = (TCPSelectorHandler) copy;
> and happily proceeds. Now, unless caller passes in an instance of
> TCPSelectorHandler (which is what happening all the time), this
> method will fail throwing CCE.
> Now, my question is, if the above is true, what is the use of this
> interface? It serves the purpose of neither a classic copy
> constructor, nor is it a cloner (in traditional Java sense of
> Cloning). In general, it is not possible to copy a generic class
> unless you know its internal structure, because all the
> implementations are basically resulting in a bunch of setters.
> Am I missing something?
Copyable interface together with utility class Cloner implements
custom cloning mechanism in Grizzly 1.x. This is used just internally
inside framework, so normally CCE should not occur.


> -Kedar