> I'm using StateHolder in a project and I found that when I called
> Thread.interrupt.. it doesn't set the state to STOPPED.
> Does StateHolder can be use outside grizzly module ?
Theoretically yes.
> here a snippet
> public class Test implements Runnable ...
> while (stateHolder.getState(false) != State.STOPPED) {
> system.out...
> Thread.sleep(500);
> ...
> }
> public void main...
> Test test = new Test();
> ExecutorService threadPool = new ...
> threadPool.execute(test);
> Thread.sleep(1000);
> threadPool.shutdownNow();
> Test is still running.. should I put
stateHolder could represent the state of whole framework, which may
use different thread pool(s), so, IMHO, stateHolder in general should
not be used for such usecase.
> while (!Thread.interrupted() && stateHolder.getState(false) !=
> State.STOPPED) {
This should work.