Re: Strange performance on HP-UX

From: Oleksiy Stashok <Oleksiy.Stashok_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Mon, 29 Jun 2009 11:05:10 +0200

Hi Bongjae,

that's interesting observation, I doubt we make any perf test on HP-
UX :( AFAIK our main perf. tests are run on Solaris, we also make some
local bm measurements on Linux, Window, MacOS.
Is it possible for you to run some profiler to see, where this issue



> When I tested Grizzly on HP-UX with MS stress tool, I met strange
> performance result.
> I deployed a war with grizzly-http-servlet-deployer and just
> downloaded a static content like 1k.jpg.
> On Windows, Linux and AIX, I didn't see the performance problem.
> But on only HP-UXs, I saw very very low performance.
> I tested it in two HP machine, but two machine's problems were same.
> Here are system environments of two HP-UX.
> ---
> HP(IA64)
> HOSTID: 627EAB14
> NCPUS: 4
> OPENFILES: 8192/10240
> UNAME: HP-UX tschi2 B.11.23 U ia64 1652468500 unlimited-user license"
> "java version """"
> Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build
> jinteg_28_apr_2009_04_46-b00)
> Java HotSpot(TM) Server VM (build 11.3-b02-jre1.6.0.04-rc2, mixed
> mode)"
> ---
> NCPUS: 2
> OPENFILES: 8192/10240
> UNAME: HP-UX tschp2 B.11.23 U 9000/800 3772611742 unlimited-user
> license"
> "java version """"
> Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build
> jinteg_28_apr_2009_04_46-b00)
> Java HotSpot(TM) Server VM (build 11.3-b02-jre1.6.0.04-rc2 PA2.0
> (aCC_AP), mixed mode)"
> ---
> I don't understand the following result. I tested it in both
> grizzly-1.9.16 and grizzly-1.9.17.
> Here is a sample result.
> [In Windows]
> ---
> Number of hits: 285010
> Requests per Second: 2373.28
> Socket Statistics
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Socket Connects: 285035
> Total Bytes Sent (in KB): 56227.61
> Bytes Sent Rate (in KB/s): 468.21
> Total Bytes Recv (in KB): 312008.02
> Bytes Recv Rate (in KB/s): 2598.09
> ---
> [In HP]
> ---
> Number of hits: 1316
> Requests per Second: 10.97
> Socket Statistics
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Socket Connects: 1341
> Total Bytes Sent (in KB): 265.84
> Bytes Sent Rate (in KB/s): 2.22
> Total Bytes Recv (in KB): 1335.58
> Bytes Recv Rate (in KB/s): 11.13
> ---
> Has anybody met this problem?
> I think that the Grizzly QA may do the performance test regularly.
> Do you happen to test on HP-UX?
> Please advice me.
> Thanks.
> --
> Bongjae Chang