Re: HttpServiceImpl

From: Hubert Iwaniuk <>
Date: Wed, 28 Jan 2009 16:31:52 +0100

Hi Gustav,

Thanks for your comments.Thread safety is on my todo list, as it is required
by OSGi.
But first I would like to get basic requirements done, like resource
handling, since this will probably add more concurrent structures
to handle and protect.

If you would like to contribute, we could do one of:
1. I can try to come up with some design document so we could make sure that
we are on same page, before we start coding on same sources.
2. You could look at #417 since it is a show stopper for OSGi HttpService.


On Wed, Jan 28, 2009 at 2:58 PM, gustav trede <>wrote:

> hello,
> HttpServiceImpl needs to be fixed so its threadsafe, its using concurrent
> data structures in a way that breaks the basic logic it is to perform.
> Threadsafety is a very basic requirement in osgi, just like the cleanup of
> registered services is the frameworks responsibility in standard design and
> not the activators.
> --
> regards
> gustav trede

Hubert Iwaniuk