Salut aussi :)
Jeanfrancois Arcand wrote:
> Salut,
> Emmanuel Lecharny wrote:
>> Hi guys,
>> just in case you missed it :
> yes I know that was coming :-) But the benchmark contains some
> mistakes. Charlie (on that list) already pointed to me some issues,
> which we will share here and with Trustin.
I didn't had time to check the code.
> I'm
>> also questionning the specific test he is doing in this benchmark, as
>> it does not really exhibit the strengths and weaknesses of all the
>> tested frameworks, as it's just a very simple echo server, when the
>> power of a framework is to offer more than just transferring bytes in
>> and out.
>> However, I think that could be interesting to build some valid set of
>> benchmarks demonstrating different real life scenarii, helping us to
>> improve the code.
> I agree we should have something :-) Note that Trustin, when
> "re-creating" Netty, has the freedom to innovate and change any API he
> want.
It's sure easier to dump all what you have done before and started from
a blank page, but this is a loosy path, and it cost much more, as you
also have to write some new documentation, some new samples, and of
course, you create some new bugs, and you have to create a new community.
> Something (at least with Grizzly) we can't do if we don't want to
> upset all our users.
>> Btw, I don't think that speed is the most important thing, ease of
>> use should also be a criterium when selecting a framework.
> Community is also important :-)
yeah, of course... May be the most important criterium ;) Strange
enough, people tend to prefer a community project than a one man show ...
cordialement, regards,
Emmanuel Lécharny