Emmanuel Lecharny wrote:
> Hi guys,
> just in case you missed it :
yes I know that was coming :-) But the benchmark contains some mistakes.
Charlie (on that list) already pointed to me some issues, which we will
share here and with Trustin.
> It's a little bit annoying that Trustin didn't named the frameworks.
Yes :-)
> also questionning the specific test he is doing in this benchmark, as it
> does not really exhibit the strengths and weaknesses of all the tested
> frameworks, as it's just a very simple echo server, when the power of a
> framework is to offer more than just transferring bytes in and out.
> However, I think that could be interesting to build some valid set of
> benchmarks demonstrating different real life scenarii, helping us to
> improve the code.
I agree we should have something :-) Note that Trustin, when
"re-creating" Netty, has the freedom to innovate and change any API he
want. Something (at least with Grizzly) we can't do if we don't want to
upset all our users.
> Btw, I don't think that speed is the most important thing, ease of use
> should also be a criterium when selecting a framework.
Community is also important :-)
-- Jeanfrancois
> Thanks !