Re: (subliminal push) Please comments on Grizzly 2.0

From: Jeanfrancois Arcand <Jeanfrancois.Arcand_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Wed, 24 Sep 2008 11:04:30 -0400


Oleksiy Stashok wrote:
> Hi,
>>> IMHO boolean looks bad.
>>> write(buffer, true) vs. writeAsync(buffer)
>>> I will prefer 2nd ;)
>> I think both opinions have their pros and cons but
>> in the moment I prefer Jeanfrancois's approach.
>> It's because I just prefer the shorter API and so just want to memorize
>> two methods. So I would handle async and blocking with
>> ReadFuture read(buffer,blockingBoolean,CompetionHandler,nowBoolean)
> well, for blocking mode returning ReadFuture and parameter
> completionHandler don't have any sense.

No it makes sense. When blocking doesn't have bytes to read, it block.
Having A Future to stop the blocking thread because there is no more
bytes available would be usefull. Right now we don't have /cannot
control that issue, and sometimes all threads end up blocked. Hence
Future would help :-)

>> maybe I don't care about the inconvience
>> when using blocking calls because
>> I always try to go the async way(-:
> Hmm. May be it could make sense to remove blocking read/write at all, so
> blocking I/O operations will be accessible just via:
> TemporarySelectorIO.write(Connection, Buffer).
> and read/write methods will work just in async mode.
> What do you think?

I'm still in favor of read(bb), read(bb, true/false) ...same for write.
Having to use another object for doing read/write will just complexify
the design (like we have right n ow in 1.x). A unify interface will be
better IMO :-)


-- Jeanfrancois

> Thanks.
> WBR,
> Alexey.
>>> Salut,
>>> Alexey and I are having fun here:
>>> we don't agree and it would be quite nice to have at least another
>>> commiter to jump and tell us what he thinks.
>>> This is great work anyway :-)
>>> A+
>>> --Jeanfranmcois
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