Oleksiy Stashok wrote:
> Hello Ken,
>> I have also posted a blog entry about this at
> great! thank you!
>> It seems that I cannot commit to trunk/www, so the README.html for the
>> package is not viewable without downloading it first. It would be useful
>> to fix that.
> Now you have Content Developer role, so can try it again :)
> As for the implementation, IMHO, It looks very clear!
> The first idea I have... May be it makes sense to separate
> ByteBufferStreams API from Allocator API?
+1 on my side as well!
-- Jeanfrancois
So they will be independent.
> It would be great to have Slabs/SlabsPool as one of possible Grizzly 2.0
> MemoryManager implementations. This could be really interesting to have
> MemoryManager, which have smart ByteBuffer pooling implementation.
> ByteBufferStreams API could be interesting to use as common streaming
> API, which will be possible to use with any kind of buffers: ByteBuffer,
> byte[]...
> What do you think?
> I'm looking forward to start use that in Grizzly 2.0! :)
> Thank you.
> WBR,
> Alexey.
>> Thanks,
>> Ken.
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