Hello Ken,
> I have also posted a blog entry about this at
> http://blogs.sun.com/ejcorba/entry/bytebufferstreams_in_grizzly
great! thank you!
> It seems that I cannot commit to trunk/www, so the README.html for the
> package is not viewable without downloading it first. It would be
> useful
> to fix that.
Now you have Content Developer role, so can try it again :)
As for the implementation, IMHO, It looks very clear!
The first idea I have... May be it makes sense to separate
ByteBufferStreams API from Allocator API? So they will be independent.
It would be great to have Slabs/SlabsPool as one of possible Grizzly
2.0 MemoryManager implementations. This could be really interesting to
have MemoryManager, which have smart ByteBuffer pooling implementation.
ByteBufferStreams API could be interesting to use as common streaming
API, which will be possible to use with any kind of buffers:
ByteBuffer, byte[]...
What do you think?
I'm looking forward to start use that in Grizzly 2.0! :)
Thank you.
> Thanks,
> Ken.
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