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-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [xSocket-develop] xLightweb 2.0 final released – HTTP
Client/Server library
Date: Sun, 21 Sep 2008 19:28:46 +0200
From: Gregor Roth <gregor.roth_at_googlemail.com>
To: xsocket-develop_at_lists.sourceforge.net,
xLightweb 2.0 final has been released.
xLightweb (formerly xSocket-http) is an easy to use http network library
to build high performance, high scalable network applications. xLightweb
provides a simple and intuitive API to write client side HTTP
applications as well as server side HTTP applications. In contrast to
the Servlet API, xLightweb is not only focused on server side
programming. xLightweb also supports client side programming by
providing high-capacity client side classes such as an HttpClient.
xLightweb is not limited to blocking/synchronous programming. It
supports both, blocking/synchronous programming as well as
non-blocking/asynchronous programming in a very dynamic way, to provide
application types such as client and server-side COMET-Applications or
HTTP proxies.
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