setContinuousExecution set to false by default?

From: Jeanfrancois Arcand <Jeanfrancois.Arcand_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Mon, 25 Aug 2008 18:06:05 -0400


we are seeing a performance improvement in GlassFish v3 when we set the
DefaultProtocolChain.setContinuousExecution(false). For the first couple
of Grizzly's release, that value was false as well, but we then decided
based on some testing to turn it to true. I don't recall who was doing
the testing (probably me), but it seems, at least for http, that we are
getting better result. Should we roll back to false by default?

I just want to make sure the performance improvement is not only
applying to http. Can people using the DefaultProtocolChain and
ReadFilter gives it a try to see what kind of performance they are
getting when setting the value to false?


-- Jeanfrancois