OK, so...
JEUS 5 downloads... do they qualify?
JDeveloper downloads... do they qualify?
If yes, why?
If no, why?
You can tell my inclination is to get out of this tricky area... I don't
want to legislate.
- eduard/o
Shreedhar Ganapathy wrote:
> Eduardo
> I see your point. And yes I added the promo image and link there.
> I think this is a good way to attract attention to interesting
> happenings even if it involves non-Sun parties.
> Here are some draft ground rules as you required :
> 1. The ads shall apply to only GlassFish community related projects,
> events and promotions.
> 2. Promotions should help the adoption and expansion of the GlassFish
> community
> 3. Ads cannot be for promotion of a specific company's or individual's
> commercial offerings related/unrelated to GlassFish.
> 4. Ads cannot exceed size limits as determined by the wiki management
> council.
> 5. Content inside Ads should not be abusive, discriminatory, and should
> not violate the laws of United States of America.
> Hope this is a good starting point.
> regards
> Shreedhar
> Eduardo Pelegri-Llopart wrote:
>> The front page of GFW.ORG now has a promo for the JavaEE SDK.
>> I think we should discuss this. In principle I'm OK with adding it,
>> as long as we write down the rules under which we will accept these
>> Ads, the rules are company-neutral, and we follow them in the future.
>> Another alternative is to not accept things like this.
>> If I read the change log correctly, this was introduced by Shreedhar.
>> Correct? If so, do you want to argue for writing down the rules?
>> thanks,
>> - eduard/o
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