
Re: Mojarra JSF 2.1.x servlet requirement or dependency

From: <forums_at_java.net>
Date: Thu, 9 Feb 2012 13:30:23 -0600 (CST)

  From a chat just now on irc.freenode.net ##jsf:

[11:18] <@edburns> JSF 2.1 does not, and will not, require anything more than
Servlet 2.5. [11:19] <@edburns> JSF 2.2 will require Servlet
3.0.  Practically speaking the requirement is due to the need to provide
<h:inputFile> for file upload. [11:19] <@edburns> rogerk1: any response to my
spec-1068 question to you? [11:20] == cofeineSunshine
[~justinas_at_78.63.230.174] has quit [Read error: Operation timed out] [11:21]
<Jasman> Thank you, @edburns [11:22] <Jasman> Why do the release notes say
otherwise (for Mojarra 2.1.x)? [11:22] <@edburns> Jasman: Thanks for pointing
that out.  I think it's an error in the relnotes. [11:22] <@edburns>
rogerk1: Can you please investigate the problem pointed out by Jasman here?
[11:23] <Jasman> Thanks for the clarification

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