Hi Michael, I'm not sure I understand exactly what you're wanting to accomplish.
Form submission via a PDF is certainly possible. As long as the PDF document can perform an HTTP GET or POST, this part of the process (the submission) will work. Submitting the PDF form to a Servlet will work, or you could submit the form to an .xhtml page. It depends on your particular setup, but XHTML pages are usually processed by the FacesServlet.
As an example, your PDF form could submit to an XHTML page using an HTTP GET request:
myPage.xhtml would contain a declaration in the body, similar to the following:
<f:viewParam name="myFormValue" value="#{BlingBean.needBling}"/>
where BlingBean is a Java class following the java bean naming convention. The FacesServlet will take the request parameter 'myFormValue' and call the method BlingBean.setNeedBling( "bling" ). Then, in myPage.xhtml you can do this.
<span > #{BlingBean.needBling} </span>
Again, I'm not sure if that's what you're looking for.
[Message sent by forum member 'andrewlaughlin']