
Can I use JSF 2 to catch a request from a PDF form?

From: <webtier_at_javadesktop.org>
Date: Wed, 01 Sep 2010 12:38:08 PDT

I have a project that would like to use as a pilot to start developing in JSF 2, but one of the requirements is that users be able to submit a form from a PDF to the server, and the response to the browser will contain all of the fields that were submitted.

Can this be done? I'm used to working with Servlets where I would have a Servlet instance to catch the request and respond with the fields from the request.

In my limited knowledge of JSF 2, it seems that if you have an HTML form on a page, there is a corresponding backing bean that the form submits to, and they're somewhat tied together.

So my question is, if this is possible with a PDF, where do I submit the form to? I'm afraid I don't yet know enough to properly ask the question.

Thank you for any help.

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