
Re: How I list/get all managed beans or ManagedBeanBean ?

From: <webtier_at_javadesktop.org>
Date: Thu, 09 Sep 2010 13:20:17 PDT

I found that if I set Util.setUnitTestModeEnabled(true) then I can get the FacesConfigBean from the context:
FacesConfigBean fcb = (FacesConfigBean)context.getAttribute("com.sun.faces.FACES_CONFIG_BEAN");

But was necessary change the source code. Another option is to load (or reload) the faces-config.xml. I'm trying don't do this because if we change to jsf2.0 then maybe the faces-config.xml will not exist.

Any sugestion?
[Message sent by forum member 'trematodeo']
