
Can someone find a recent article that praises JSF?

From: Edward Burns <edward.burns_at_oracle.com>
Date: Wed, 05 May 2010 00:17:03 +0200

Hello Community,

Can someone please help Arun here?

AG> From: Arun Gupta <arun.p.gupta_at_oracle.com>
AG> Organization: Oracle
AG> Just saw a link to http://relation.to/Bloggers/HowToStartLearningJavaEE6
AG> in which Gavin King says ...
AG> "In particular, the specification is horribly written and not worth
AG> reading (so I won't link to it)"
AG> This is a slightly dated article (Nov 16, 2009) but could not find any
AG> later articles praising JSF.

Can someone please point Arun to some recent articles praising JSF?

It's very important to win Arun over to JSF because he is very influential in the
Java community. If a guy like him can't find any recent articles praising JSF,
then we are in trouble.
