
Re: [webtier] Can someone find a recent article that praises JSF?

From: <webtier_at_javadesktop.org>
Date: Wed, 05 May 2010 13:43:42 PDT

This is kind of an interesting statement for Arun to make. Here's the whole quote, in context:

"JSF2 is included as part of the platform, and is integrated with CDI out of the box. Many people find JSF difficult to learn. We believe that for some kinds of applications, it pays off in the end. Unfortunately, most of the books and articles about JSF make it appear much more complex than it actually is. In particular, the specification is horribly written and not worth reading (so I won't link to it). Take a look at the Weld examples to get a taste of what JSF2 is really like."

It looks like more of an indictment of the specification than of JSF2 itself.
[Message sent by forum member 'rdean400']
