
Re: JSF 2.0: New Tutorial Section on h:dataTable

From: <webtier_at_javadesktop.org>
Date: Sat, 13 Mar 2010 16:41:45 PST

Hi Marty,
I just have read two your tutorials such as "Ajax Support in JSF 2.0" and "h:dataTable -- Building Tables from Collections".
Both of the tutorials are pretty easy to understand because their are heavily based on clear examples.
I took a couple ideas from it and going to recommend to read them everybody who will pass around.

I didn't really think hard about ideas how to improve them :)
But suddenly I saw the following post and for some reason I believe that it makes sense to provide related answer in your tutorial "Ajax Support in JSF 2.0".


If I'm wrong in my suggestion please let me know.

By the way I'm wondering if you have any plans to extend tutorials with additional cases.

To make the post more useful for you here are a few suggestions:
1) Rework tutorials as HTML based as opposite to PDF based.
2) Create "live" examples directly inside of tutorials.
3) Provide the way to put comments.
4) Create application that organically unite all presented in tutorials cases.

The following link partially illustrate my point:

Best regards,
[Message sent by forum member 'vladperl' (vladperl_at_hotmail.com)]
