
Re: Perfect Example of Strategic Plan

From: <webtier_at_javadesktop.org>
Date: Sat, 13 Mar 2010 18:34:58 PST

T>So unless or until I am involved in a more typical JSF use case environment, I am not
T>sure I am the right target developer for JSF overall.

Just because of this you could provide fresh insight on this matter.
I already have about dozen ideas that seems is a good fit to make them as strategic goals for JSF.
But some of them are too radical to present them without some kind of preparing.
Simply put I just don't like the scenario when the ideas will be ignored or easily dismiss.
I figure out that you definitely took a look inside of JSF source code and your experience with jQuery should be helpful also.

Please read the following plan to see what I mean when talking about preparation:
1) Provide conclusion if the ideas are making sense and workable in current situation.
2) Workout the ideas on detail level
3) Help to present the ideas in clear and convincing manner
4) Create working prototypes as extra supporting points
5) Create coalition of developers who are interesting to put them in production

If you really are interested to discuss this kind of stuff please contact me by email:

By the way I'm wondering if "tacitust" word has some meaning :)

Best regards,
[Message sent by forum member 'vladperl' (vladperl_at_hotmail.com)]
