Thank you for your quick replies.
i understand everything.
jmaki is ok. maybe it will be good client library in the future.
client libraries like YUI or ExtJS are most powerful and really Rich UI client libraries,
I'll try to write bridge for JSF 2.0 and YUI or ExtJS and try to use them for my projects ...
i saw GWT-EXT wich use ExtJS and YUI client libraries, it is very nice but, i think (it's my opinion) that GWT is not well design pattern for web application.
there you must forget about page navigation, it isn't good design to write everything in java (this is also my opinion)
i will be happy to see client libraries like ExtJS and YUI together with JSF 2.0..
it will be very very nice combination.
Paata Lominadze.
Magticom LTD.
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