On 03/ 6/09 02:00 PM, Wolfram Rittmeyer wrote:
> The warning "webcontainer.invalidProperty" is logged in several
> places. Two of these deal with property elements below <the
> sun-web-app> element.
> The first is in WarHandler which logs this message for nearly all
> valid properties. Actually I do not know why it is logged in
> WarHandler at all - given that WebModule is treating properties anyway.
> WebModule nevertheless also has a flaw in that it logs this message
> for the valid elements starting with "valve_" or "listener_".
> To reduce log messages to those elements that really are invalid I
> propose the attached patch. If this is reviewed positively I will
> commit it.
Thanks, Wolfram!
Please go ahead with your commit.
> --
> Wolfram Rittmeyer
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