
Re: [webtier] JSF 2.0 (Custom Components) And ExtJS

From: Jim Driscoll <Jim.Driscoll_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Tue, 03 Mar 2009 12:10:56 -0800

Writing some examples of using the JSF Ajax stuff with an external
library is something that's on my "finish by JavaOne" list.

Here's what you need to know:

If the library contains functions that operate on data (like the $ op or
other such things) they'll work just fine.

If the library contains functions that manipulate the page (for
instance, in creating a new div), or does its own Ajax calls, then they
should work OK, provided that you're careful with them - JSF won't know
about things contained inside them, you'll have to either write a
bridge, or keep them separate from the JSF data model.

One task I hope to accomplish in the next couple months is to write a
few JSF composite components that wrap an Ajax library's components
(though I was looking at the YUI stuff as the one I was going to try).

You also might want to take a peek at jMaki, they do a lot of component
wrapping already, and that makes it a little easier to embed things into

Hope this helps.


On 3/3/09 8:47 AM, webtier_at_javadesktop.org wrote:
> hi all,
> first of all great job team, JSF 2.0 is very cool, i like this product.
> also i like extjs javascript library, it's very nice.
> does anybody tried to use them together ?
> is there any example about it ?
> i found lilya project but it is not for JSF 2.0
> maybe i will write some extension for JSF 2.0, bu i don't know how to write JSF 2.0 custom components ..
> is there any example about it ?
> _______________________
> Regards,
> Paata Lominadze.
> Magticom LTD.
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