
Re: [webtier] can't update h:dataTable with List<String> as value

From: Ryan Lubke <Ryan.Lubke_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Thu, 05 Mar 2009 19:12:53 -0800

On 3/5/09 6:51 PM, webtier_at_javadesktop.org wrote:
>> No property is specified (i.e. name.<property>).
>> From the javadocs of ELResolver.setValue():
>> Attempts to set the value of the given property
>> object on the given
>> ase object.
>> So, what exactly is going to be set on the #{name}
>> object?
> Thanks for responding, Ryan. This is starting to make more sense. My problem with this is that while the inputText isn't specifying a property, #{name} is a variable passed in from the parent<h:dataTable> element. If the<h:dataTable> is bound to an object and a property (#{testObj.names}, a List<String> object) shouldn't the variable that the dataTable creates be updatable?
The DataModel that wraps your List provides no provision for updating
the underlying collection itself.
If upates are required, the model object will need to expose the
appropriate methods to do so.
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