[gf-users] Custom realm in Glassfish 4: login module not found

From: Tomaz Majerhold <>
Date: Sun, 11 Dec 2016 12:12:08 +0100

1) I create OSGI Bundle:
- MyRealm extends AppservRealm:
     public String getJAASContext() {
             return "portalRealm ";

- MyLoginModule extends AppservPasswordLoginModule

2) I deployed as osgi & and try also copy to modules as jar(same not
working result)

> asadmin deploy --type osgi MyAuth.jar
> Application deployed with name MyAuth.
> Command deploy executed successfully.

3) In web admin console I define myAppRealm with class MyRealmand in LOG
is see:
Fine: Initializing MyRealm
Info: Realm [myAppRealm ] of classtype
[si.arnes.glassfish.auth.MyRealm ] successfully created.
Info: MyRealm:init:JAAS_CONTEXT_PARAM=jaas-context
Info: MyRealm:init:jaasCtxName=portalRealm
Fine: A new com.sun.enterprise.config.serverbeans.AuthRealm was added

4) In myDomain/config in file login.conf I define
portalRealm {
     si.arnes.glassfish.auth.MyLoginModule required;

5) When using myAppRealm in LOG see this:
Fine: Logging in user [] into realm: myAppRealm
using JAAS module: portalRealm
Finest: doPasswordLogin fails No LoginModules configured for
Info: PortalArisAuth:getJAASContext=portalRealm

What is wrong, I see override method is called(getJAASContext) and
return what is defined in login.conf, but MyLoginModule is NEVER called.

Regards, Tomaz