[gf-users] Re: Config for IPv6-only networks

From: <>
Date: Thu, 13 Oct 2016 19:07:26 +0000 (UTC)

I created an IPv6-only network according to Apple's instructions (this
effort all has to do with getting a mobile app approved since they
added this constraint), put a server on the network running glassfish,
and put a workstation on the network running postman. The IPv6
addresses of the server are 2001:2:0:aab1:c0d2:8180:39bb:ca6f

fe80::c0d2:8180:39bb:ca6f%15 and I also used ::ffff:192:168:66:50
using its IPv4 address.

Doing a tracert from the workstation using the first and third
addresses gave me a timeout. Using the second address, host
unreachable. I tried with and without [ ] around the address.

I also tried running traceroute from the apple that was set up for
internet sharing. same results.

So it appears not to be a glassfish issue at this point, but something
else since it's not even getting to the server. So, before getting off
this forum until it becomes a glassfish issue (hope it doesn't), I'll
throw out one last Any Ideas?