[gf-users] Re: Glassfish Server Open Source Version

From: Andreas Junius <>
Date: Sat, 2 Apr 2016 11:47:26 +1030

I personally wouldn't care about the name or trademark Glassfish. It's
much more important to be in control of what I would call the "main
branch" of the project rather than the name. Like JBoss that's now
called Wildfly.

However that would require to get GF out of Oracles hands altogether;
not sure if that's possible.

To Oracle: Oracles lack of support of GF is bad for JEE in general
because no developer will go the extra mile and learn about this
technology if the only option is to throw a shitload of money at Oracle
for their commercial offer just to use that technology. Most people I
know simply move on to Spring.


On 02/04/16 00:07, Markus Karg wrote:
> Ok, my proposal is that Oracle lets Reza be the new owner of the
> trademark “GlassFish” and they hand out the repository
> password, so at least he could merge all the fixes Payara developed in
> the past months: Whom to send that proposal, and do you **really** think
> Oracle would even **answer** me? ;-)
> -Markus