[gf-users] Re: Glassfish Server Open Source Version

From: Steven Siebert <>
Date: Fri, 1 Apr 2016 11:01:16 -0400

I've become a member of the Java EE Guardian group, I'll take a moment to
introduce myself there soon. Hopefully my not having personal experiences
with Corporate Oracle, and my ever-optimistic attitude, will be more
adventurous than a drag on the group - at least there is a good chance
you'll get a couple laughs at my expense =)


On Fri, Apr 1, 2016 at 8:43 AM, reza_rahman <> wrote:

> Firstly let me tell you first hand that you are giving Oracle far more
> credit than they actually deserve. Oracle may be far less rational, well
> informed and willing to listen than you think. I can't blame you entirely.
> There was a brief moment in time when I gave Oracle too much credit too.
> That being said these are exactly the things we are working on with the
> Java EE Guardian effort. If you really want to help the best way to do that
> is joining us and working as a very broad, high profile group.
> Sent via the Samsung Galaxy S7, an AT&T 4G LTE smartphone
> -------- Original message --------
> From: Steven Siebert <>
> Date: 4/1/16 8:04 AM (GMT-05:00)
> To:
> Subject: [gf-users] Re: Glassfish Server Open Source Version
> Oracle is a business. Despite what we may feel, they are neither evil nor
> are they anti-open source or anything like that. They are predictable,
> they are lookinout for their shareholders best interest. Looking at thier
> long term stock trends, i would say they are pretty good at it. What this
> means is thry they are either helmed by a quarum of psychics or they seek
> and act on advice of others. IMO if they are convinced an action is in
> their shareholders best interest, they will at least listen and may act,
> and given the possibility of success not trying is worse than defeat. I
> mean, hell, worse case is you have a great story the grandkids hate hearing
> about over and over at thanksgiving.
> If GF is intentionally or otherwise being killed through neglect (biggest
> indication to me is they seemed to have stopped running nightly builds in
> October, or at least are no longer posting them to, Oracle
> may be primed for such a proposition. This, along with many inside people
> leaving because Oracle is not being a good steward of Java, Oracle may
> consider moving off what they consider dead weight in a way that paints
> them as good stewards of Java. Off the top of my head one reason this
> might be in their interest is the $10B lawsuit Oracle is once again suing
> google over android.
> Further, this isn't without president for Oracle. I mentioned OpenOffice,
> but they have also made additional donations such as TopLink to the Eclipse
> foundation.
> I honestly believe Oracle has demonstrated they can (are) a good steward
> of open source technologies IF it supports a current or possible new
> business opportunity. We all have our own reasons for supporting open
> source, or doing anything for that matter...coming at Oracle saying they
> should support EE for any other reason than as an investment with defined
> risks and projected profits is not going to (and IMO shouldn't) interest
> them.
> I suppose what I am suggesting is that if the EE/GF community sees value
> in GF (the stuff beyond source code) we should carefully (and
> transparently) put together a proposal and see where it takes us. Hell, we
> could even make that a subproject/team of Payara with is own github
> repo/home. If they say 'no', we have an official answer and can move on
> from there. It has value to me, so I would be willing to work toward this
> (or however the team determine best to approach Oracle) if other feel what
> could be gained for Java/EE/GF is worth the time.
> S
> On Friday, April 1, 2016, Markus Karg <> wrote:
>> IMHO it will never happen that Oracle allows third parties to user any of
>> their product names, which GlassFish is one of.
>> Hence the only solution you have is to either make your customers
>> understand that GlassFish is not supported anymore, or work for other
>> customers.
>> -Markus
>> *Von:* Steven Siebert []
>> *Gesendet:* Donnerstag, 31. März 2016 17:18
>> *An:*
>> *Betreff:* [gf-users] Re: Glassfish Server Open Source Version
>> Sadly, it's not as easy for me to switch to Payara because my customer
>> (US Army, but by and large same goes for any federal org under
>> NIST/FISMA/RMF) uses the "name" (and version...and applies their own rigid
>> rules on what a version format means even though this is vendor/program
>> specific...but another story for another day) as a unique reference
>> "identifier" in approval/accreditation/IA documents. Sadly, changing from
>> GF to Payara, despite its technical AND security benefits, is more
>> difficult than it should be. If/when we get to that point, we wouldn't
>> just be moving from GF to Payara, we would be looking at it in a much
>> bigger picture, including considering moving away from the GF technology
>> altogether (something I don't necessarily want to do). This is why I
>> stepped out of the shadows and commented - however silly, it would be
>> beneficial if the "Glassfish" trademark/name be moved.
>> Moving the designation as EE RI along with that would be amazing for the
>> Java EE community, but just the designation would save time and money
>> downstream.
>> S
>> On Thu, Mar 31, 2016 at 11:05 AM, Markus Karg <> wrote:
>> We also are migrating our customers to Payara and are very happy with
>> that company, but we would love to have a cleaned situation, i. e. Oracle
>> clearly telling that GlassFish is dead.
>> -----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
>> Von: Andreas Ernst []
>> Gesendet: Donnerstag, 31. März 2016 16:55
>> An:
>> Betreff: [gf-users] Re: Glassfish Server Open Source Version
>> Hi Markus,
>> Am 31.03.16 um 16:40 schrieb Markus Karg:
>> > Maybe „the community” should simply fork GlassFish on GitHub, register
>> > hundreds of well-known contributors there as the new managing
>> > organization, and then ask Oracle to simply hand out the trademark
>> > name. ;-)
>> >
>> > I bet, they won’t be cooperative even then! L
>> i think Orcale will GlassFish let die. I asume they are not more
>> interested.
>> I moved to Payara:
>> --
>> ae | Andreas Ernst | IT Spektrum
>> Postfach 5, 65612 Beselich
>> Schupbacher Str. 32, 65614 Beselich, Germany
>> Tel: +49-6484-91002 Fax: +49-6484-91003
>> |