Sadly, it's not as easy for me to switch to Payara because my customer (US
Army, but by and large same goes for any federal org under NIST/FISMA/RMF)
uses the "name" (and version...and applies their own rigid rules on what a
version format means even though this is vendor/program specific...but
another story for another day) as a unique reference "identifier" in
approval/accreditation/IA documents. Sadly, changing from GF to Payara,
despite its technical AND security benefits, is more difficult than it
should be. If/when we get to that point, we wouldn't just be moving from
GF to Payara, we would be looking at it in a much bigger picture, including
considering moving away from the GF technology altogether (something I
don't necessarily want to do). This is why I stepped out of the shadows and
commented - however silly, it would be beneficial if the "Glassfish"
trademark/name be moved.
Moving the designation as EE RI along with that would be amazing for the
Java EE community, but just the designation would save time and money
On Thu, Mar 31, 2016 at 11:05 AM, Markus Karg <> wrote:
> We also are migrating our customers to Payara and are very happy with that
> company, but we would love to have a cleaned situation, i. e. Oracle
> clearly telling that GlassFish is dead.
> -----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
> Von: Andreas Ernst []
> Gesendet: Donnerstag, 31. März 2016 16:55
> An:
> Betreff: [gf-users] Re: Glassfish Server Open Source Version
> Hi Markus,
> Am 31.03.16 um 16:40 schrieb Markus Karg:
> > Maybe „the community” should simply fork GlassFish on GitHub, register
> > hundreds of well-known contributors there as the new managing
> > organization, and then ask Oracle to simply hand out the trademark
> > name. ;-)
> >
> > I bet, they won’t be cooperative even then! L
> i think Orcale will GlassFish let die. I asume they are not more
> interested.
> I moved to Payara:
> --
> ae | Andreas Ernst | IT Spektrum
> Postfach 5, 65612 Beselich
> Schupbacher Str. 32, 65614 Beselich, Germany
> Tel: +49-6484-91002 Fax: +49-6484-91003
> |