[gf-users] Re: Monitoring thread pool information via JMX

From: Phillip Ross <>
Date: Sat, 2 May 2015 18:53:28 -0400

Hi John,

I did some searching after our discussion on IRC and found that when
you enable the monitoring, and set the thread-pool and http-service
levels to HIGH... the stats do show up in the AMX MBeans that you can
view with Jconsole/JVisualVM.

Enable monitoring, set the levels to HIGH and then in the MBeans tree,
look for the "amx" node. Expand that node and you should see a child
node called "thread-pool-mon" and look around under that hierarchy and
you should find what you are looking for.

Hope that helps!
- Phillip

On Thu, Apr 30, 2015 at 6:24 AM, Pirie John <> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I had a conversation about this on the IRC channel (#glassfish) and I was
> recommended to post here for more advice. I know I can monitor the theadpool
> information by doing via the asadmin console:
> enable-monitoring
> set server.monitoring-service.module-monitoring-levels.thread-pool=HIGH
> set server.monitoring-service.module-monitoring-levels.http-service=HIGH
> get -m*.thread-pool.*
> I’d like to expose this information via JMX, so that I can monitor this
> information with the Nagios tool (on our production server we don’t have
> access to the administrative features, but we can monitor via JMX). After
> running the previous commands and opening Jconsole, I see no way to do this.
> Someone recommended I open a JIRA but I figured I should post here first.
> Does anyone have any information on this? (Also, my request to join this
> mailing list appears to be still outstanding for a while, if someone could
> send that through that would be perfect, otherwise I will just scan the list
> archives to get the replies.)
> Thanks,
> John
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