[gf-users] Re: Re: glassfish V4 and ssl

From: Jeffrey Beckstrom <>
Date: Fri, 22 May 2015 12:20:22 -0400

Then why on Admin GUI is there an option to enter the keystore's name?

>>> Andreas Ernst <> 5/22/15 9:05 AM >>>
Am 22.05.15 um 14:57 schrieb Jeffrey Beckstrom:
> I think I found the problem. I backed up keystore.jks and then copied my
> server.keystore to keystore.jks. Restarted Glassfish it shows the
> default web page for Glassfish. I can't run the application at this time
> since its database is down for cloning. Looks like my server.keystore
> file was being ignored.

The keystore is defined in th domain.xml. And you have to put your
certificates inside it.


ae | Andreas Ernst | IT Spektrum
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Schupbacher Str. 32, 65614 Beselich, Germany
Tel: +49-6484-91002 Fax: +49-6484-91003 |