[gf-users] Re: Glassfish OpenMQ question

From: Nigel Deakin <>
Date: Fri, 17 Oct 2014 18:15:54 +0100

On 17/10/2014 16:06, Noah White wrote:
> I have an OpenMQ question / problem which I posted to stackoverflow here [1].
> Originally I was going to address this to the OpenMQ mailing list/community, however...

The Open MQ mailing list ( is still in operation. You can sign up or view the archive at

The Open MQ developers lurk both on both and You can post Open MQ questions
to either, but if your question involves GlassFish as well (as yours does) then using the glassfish forum is better.

As you spotted, the "OTN JMS forum" has been closed. It wasn't being used much. It was intended for questions about JMS
in general rather than about a particular product. (Discussions about the JMS spec itself take place at
