[gf-users] Re: Migrating from glassfish 2 to glassfish 4, security realm issues

From: Yannick Majoros <>
Date: Thu, 21 Aug 2014 17:16:17 +0200

Hi Jan,

Do you have a custom security realm? If so, there have been changes
between GF3 and GF4. Mostly package names (maybe class names). I
migrated my custom login modules from GF3 to GF4 quite easily, you
probably just need to fix some imports, extend the right class, and
rebuild. I guess you have exceptions at GF startup, or when your login
module gets loaded?


Le 21-08-14 15:36, Jan Berg a écrit :
> Hiya,
> So currently im in progress of migrating our application from GF2 to
> GF4. At the moment the application seems to deploy fine, but the login
> feature (which works on gf2) does not work correctly on GF4. I have
> configured security realms the same way as they were in GF2, and
> otherwise the code in the application is exactly the same. Still the
> login always fails, but it correctly redirects to the login error page
> defined in web.xml. Anyone have any idea where the cause of the
> problem might be? Been struggling with this issue for 3 weeks now.