[gf-users] Re: "Unsatisfied dependencies" injecting _at_Stateless into managed bean.

From: Reza Rahman <>
Date: Thu, 17 Jul 2014 15:23:13 -0400

Does everything just work in the same WAR? If so, you likely need to
setup the EAR dependencies correctly. It's been a while since I looked
at that, but as I recall it doesn't "just happen". The best source of
info would be the Java EE spec for how module dependencies are resolved.

On 7/17/2014 3:14 PM, Grover Blue wrote:
> Well, I think it may have been a mistake on my part, but I'm unclear
> when and where injection is acceptable. The named bean
> (*Settings*)that has an EJB (*SessionSettingsBeanLocal*) injection
> point is actually in a JAR package within the EAR project. Now, those
> *_at_Named @javax.faces.view.ViewScoped* beans (ie, managed beans for
> JSF) can be injected in both WAR and JAR beans, but it appears that
> EJBs registered from an EJB package are not visible to the JAR. If I
> convert the JAR package to an EJB, then my Stateless EJBs are
> injected, but then injection of *_at_Named @javax.faces.view.ViewScoped*
> beans to other beans within the same package fails. I'm sure it's
> because the *_at_ViewScoped* isn't recognized in an EJB package because
> there is no JSF framework there. Am I right? This seems like a catch-22.