[gf-users] Re: "Unsatisfied dependencies" injecting _at_Stateless into managed bean.

From: Grover Blue <>
Date: Thu, 17 Jul 2014 15:14:03 -0400

Well, I think it may have been a mistake on my part, but I'm unclear when
and where injection is acceptable. The named bean (*Settings*)that has an
EJB (*SessionSettingsBeanLocal*) injection point is actually in a JAR
package within the EAR project. Now, those *_at_Named
@javax.faces.view.ViewScoped* beans (ie, managed beans for JSF) can be
injected in both WAR and JAR beans, but it appears that EJBs registered from
an EJB package are not visible to the JAR. If I convert the JAR package to
an EJB, then my Stateless EJBs are injected, but then injection of *_at_Named
@javax.faces.view.ViewScoped* beans to other beans within the same package
fails. I'm sure it's because the *_at_ViewScoped* isn't recognized in an EJB
package because there is no JSF framework there. Am I right? This seems
like a catch-22.