Hi slominskir, I am running tests on Glassfish 4.0.1 build 8, which
uses weld 2.2.2. The application who contains the leak, uses EJB (. ear
module) modules, Jsp and Spring 3.2.4 (controller's). I'm using my own tags
and jsp tags (c:out, c:when). A long time i have this problem, i only see the
map "jcdiManagedBeanInstanceMap" growing and is only released when the server
is restarted or when the .war application is reloaded. I tried to run this
command in asadmin, for disable the cdi and had no effect. The leak remains.
Will some configuration in my application or EJB module that is activating
the cdi? Do you have an email, so I can send more detail? Sorry for the
english ...
[Message sent by forum member 'douglassm']
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