RE: Glassfish 2.2.2.v201205150955 and JSPs

From: Andy Stoneberg <>
Date: Tue, 8 Apr 2014 13:44:57 -0400


Thanks for getting back to me and providing the information. However, I
don't quite understand your suggestions - which seem to ignore the fact I
am running in an OSGi container.

I have the bundle javax.servlet.jsp loaded in my container. The Glassfish
bundle I am using (2.2.2.v201205150955) has various Import-Package
statements that are resolved by this jsp bundle (and, in actuality, the
Glassfish bundle imports ALL javax.servlet.jsp exports EXCEPT

My question is really around why Glassfish does NOT import
javax.servlet.jsp.resources - which contains the DTDs that I am "missing".
 When I "modify" the Glassfish manifest to include this import to
javax.servlet.jsp.resources - then my issue goes away.

So, its not a matter of me needing to put the DTDs out somewhere for my
application - I have them in the javax.servlet.jsp bundle. I am merely
confused why Glassfish seems to deliberately ignore this package.
