About the performance in initial context betwwen multi-thread and single thread(glassfish v3)

From: lvsongping <>
Date: Fri, 28 Mar 2014 10:45:30 +0800

Hi, GF dev team:


    Currently, I have a question about the performance of lookup the JNDI
name in glassfish v3. Here's the reduced steps about my questions:

1). Develop a Java SE application used to test the performance of lookup the
JNDI name(You can use application I have attached in this mail).


2). Before you ran the Java class, you should start the glassfish at first.


3). java -classpath ".;%CLASSPATH%;appserv-rt.jar;javaee.jar" JNDITest

initial context complete, use time : 2306 millisecond.

start lookup.

lookup complete, use time : 575 millisecond.


4). However, if we decide to lookup JDNI name in muli-thread, it will take
much more time to lookup JNDI name in each thread than lookup JDNI name in
single thread.You can execute the batch application I have attached here to
test the performance of lookup the JNDI name in multi-thread.


5). Run the test.bat, you will found every thread will take more than 5000
millisecond in initial context:

initial context complete, use time : 5986 millisecond.

start lookup.

lookup complete, use time : 718 millisecond.


Above all, Could anyone illustrate why it will take much more time to lookup
JNDI name in each thread under the multi-thead situation than lookup JDNI
name in single thread?


BTW, my environment as follows:

OS: Win 7

JDK version; JDK1.7

GLASSFISH: glassfish v3





Jeremy Lv


Lv Songping

Software Division II

    Development Department I

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